Filtering by: “SAS Events”

1700 Years Nicene Creed (325-2025): Sources, Meaning and Lasting Impact

1700 Years Nicene Creed (325-2025): Sources, Meaning and Lasting Impact

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If you have any questions, please contact our Event Coordinator, Chère MacLean at

The Ecclesiastical Faculty of Theology at St. Augustine’s Seminary presents this talk as part of its Series of Patristic Talks for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

Speaker: Rev. Hubertus Drobner
Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Charbonnel Lounge, University of St. Michael’s College
Elmsley Hall, 81 St. Mary Street, Toronto
Cost: FREE - Talk followed by fellowship and light refreshments
Registration: Capacity is limited and in-person or online attendance is by registration only.


The talk will analyse the exact meaning of the text of the Nicene Creed on the basis of its theological tradition and show why it became such an undisputed success story up to our present days.

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A Lenten Day of Retreat - Finding Living Water On Our Desert Journey

A Lenten Day of Retreat - Finding Living Water On Our Desert Journey

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If you have any questions, please contact our Event Coordinator, Chère MacLean at

The Institute of Theology at St. Augustine’s Seminary presents this retreat as part of its Spirit & Life Series for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

Retreat Leader: Archbishop Emeritus Thomas Cardinal Collins
Date: Saturday March 22, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Location: St. Augustine’s Seminary, 2661 Kingston Rd, Scarborough
Format: In-Person Only
Cost: $45 - Includes warm pastries, coffee and tea on arrival as well as lunch. Mass, Confession, and Adoration will also be offered.
Registration: Capacity is limited and attendance is by registration only.


The Exodus journey of the Israelites through the desert has long been a model for the Season of Lent. As our lives today journey through an increasingly hostile modern secular desert, the Exodus experience can offer valuable lessons. Encouraged by the prophet Isaiah’s promise that we might draw water joyfully from the wells of salvation (Isaiah 3:12), this Lenten day of retreat will offer the fruitful spiritual exercise of understanding both the threats of the modern secular desert, and the ways we can find wellsprings of new life and of hope.

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Marius Victorinus as Fourth-Century Hero of the Nicene Creed

Marius Victorinus as Fourth-Century Hero of the Nicene Creed

Please click on the image to download the PDF file for printing.

If you have any questions, please contact our Event Coordinator, Chère MacLean at

The Ecclesiastical Faculty of Theology at St. Augustine’s Seminary presents this talk as part of its Series of Patristic Talks for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

Speaker: Dr. Wendy Helleman
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Charbonnel Lounge, University of St. Michael’s College
Elmsley Hall, 81 St. Mary Street, Toronto
Cost: FREE - Talk followed by fellowship and light refreshments.
Registration: Capacity is limited and in-person or online attendance is by registration only.


Already well advanced in years, Victorinus (ca. 290 – ca. 365 CE) became a Christian in Rome in the mid-fourth century, at a time when the Arian view, subordinating Jesus Christ as Son to the Father, threatened to undermine the Nicene affirmation of his full deity as Son (325 CE). The talk will focus on serious confusion in use of language and terminology, East and West, which would finally be clarified at the Council of Constantinople (381 CE). But well before that council, Victorinus was among the first Christian theologians to discuss the mystery of the Trinity when addressing the full deity of Christ. Not only did he give clear expression to the distinction of the “One” and “Three” in Greek; he was the first to establish and defend the appropriate corresponding terminology in Latin.

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Advent Retreat:   Here I am, Lord - Living the Unconditional Yes of Mary & Joseph

Advent Retreat: Here I am, Lord - Living the Unconditional Yes of Mary & Joseph

Please click on the image to download the PDF file for printing.

If you have any questions, please contact our Event Coordinator, Chère MacLean at

The Institute of Theology at St. Augustine’s Seminary presents this retreat as part of its Spirit & Life Series for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

Retreat Leader: Rev. Edwin Gonsalves
Date: Saturday December 14, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Location: St. Augustine’s Seminary, 2661 Kingston Rd, Scarborough
Format: In-Person Only
Cost: $45 - Includes warm croissants, pastries, coffee and tea on arrival, as well as lunch. Mass, Confession, and Adoration will also be offered.
Registration: Capacity is limited and attendance is by registration only.


In this Advent day of retreat, we will follow Mary and Joseph through their moments of saying “yes” to Our Lord’s will for them. As we follow the moments of the Annunciation, the birth of Jesus, Joseph’s dreams and the flight into Egypt, we realize how many times the Lord seemed to ask of them what was unexpected and uncertain, even uncomfortable and life changing. As we enter the Advent season, this retreat will allow us to strengthen our own many “yeses” to God, with the model and help of Mary and Joseph.

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Witnesses to Hope - Building an Authentic Culture of Life in the Face of Legal and Expanding Euthanasia (MAiD) in Canada

Witnesses to Hope - Building an Authentic Culture of Life in the Face of Legal and Expanding Euthanasia (MAiD) in Canada

Please click on the image to download the PDF file for printing.

If you have any questions, please contact our Event Coordinator, Chère MacLean at

The Institute of Theology at St. Augustine’s Seminary presents this talk as part of its Spirit & Life Series for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

Speaker: Dr. Patricia Murphy
Date: Saturday October 26, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Location: St. Augustine’s Seminary, 2661 Kingston Rd, Scarborough
Format: In-Person Only
Cost: $10 - Includes the talk, warm croissants, pastries, coffee and tea!
Registration: Capacity is limited and attendance is by registration only. Click on the button below to register.


A great many Canadians are alarmed – and perhaps discouraged – by the legalization and expansion of euthanasia (“medical assistance in dying”) in Canada. What can those who affirm the dignity and value of every human life, no matter how fragile, do in the face of what has been called a “culture of death”? This talk will report on the reality of “MAiD” today and briefly review the key points of Catholic teaching on authentic end-of-life care. But the focus will be to encourage and inspire, drawing attention to real life “snapshots of hope” – initiatives, resources, and witnesses that are contributing to a true Culture of Life, here and now!

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Ordinations to the Sacred Order of Deacon

Ordinations to the Sacred Order of Deacon

Br. Matthew Tianwei Wang, CDD and Br. John B. Xinliang Wang, CDD will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on June 17, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Agnes K.Y. Tsao Church. The Ordination Mass will be celebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto. Parishioners who wish to attend the Mass are requested to contact the Parish.

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2022 Preaching Seminar

2022 Preaching Seminar

Deacon Peter Lovrick invites all clergy to our upcoming seminar in homiletics. Early bird pricing ends March 31, 2022, so please register early. For all in-person attendees, you will receive the presenter’s book free of charge: Preaching in a Secular Age by the author Fr. Thomas Scirghi, SJ. There is also a webinar option. Presentation material will be provided to attendees.

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