Blessing in the Back Garden at St. Augustine’s Seminary
Fr. Greg Carruthers celebrates 31 years on St. Augustine's Seminary academic and formation faculty. He also celebrated 50 years of service in the Society of Jesus. Congratulations and many blessings to Fr. Greg!
Toronto's Largest Permanent Diaconate Ordination in Years
Since 1972, St. Augustine’s has provided the formation program for 315 diaconal candidates and their wives who are serving in the Archdiocese of Toronto. This Saturday, June 18 at 10 a.m., 20 men will be ordained.
Faculty appointments and transitions
We are pleased to announce the following appointments at St. Augustine’s Seminary.
Understanding comes at the peripheries
Theologians, priests, bishops, all of us, need time to ask questions and listen, resisting the “easy” path of being formed by what appears on our phones. We need especially to learn and understand at the peripheries — in the emergency room or elsewhere.
Preaching in a Secular Age
St. Augustine’s Seminary has been offering a series of annual conferences, seminars and workshops since 2014 all dedicated to answering a call from His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins.
Annual Day of Reflection for Women at the Seminary
A special thank you to Sr. Antoniana Maria, S.V. and Sr. Maria Kateri, S.V. for presenting at our Annual Day of Reflection for Women on Saturday, June 4th.
A Gift from our Ordinandi Class of 2022
These icons are a gracious gift of the ordinandi class of 2022. The icons feature the four fathers and doctors of the church who support the chair of St. Peter (in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City), artistically rendered by Bernini.
Spring 2022 Newsletter
Please assist us in spreading the word about the excellent things that are happening at the Seminary by sharing our InDeum magazine with your friends and family. Featured in this issue is the Ordinandi Class of 2022 with their own personal vocation stories.
Honouring our Alumni
St. Augustine’s Seminary paid tribute to some of its esteemed Jubilarians during a small ceremony on March 24, 2022. It was good to have some of our alumni back after having to cancel Alumni Day events last year due to the pandemic.
Permanent Diaconate Ordinations within the Archdiocese of Toronto
Please save-the-date: Saturday June 18, 2022 for Permanent Deacon Ordination within the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Transitional Diaconate Ordination
Ordination to the diaconate is the last major step in a seminarian’s journey to the priesthood. All are welcome to attend. Join us in praying for our seminarians’ continued path to priesthood.
Vocation Story - Ryan Nigli
Please take a moment to listen to this reflection from our seminarian, Ryan Nigli. Together let’s continue to pray for seminarians around the world and also for an increase in vocations to the Holy Priesthood.
Sharing of the Joys and Challenges of Priestly Ministry
As a newly-ordained priest for the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth, NS, Fr. Patrick Salah says if there is one aspect that really stands out from his formation at St. Augustine’s Seminary it would be the importance of prayerfulness and the fostering of holiness in those studying for the priesthood.
St. Augustine’s Year-End Dinner Honoured Cardinal Collins
The year-end dinner at St. Augustine’s Seminary took on an added level of excitement as it also doubled as an informal internal book launch of the Festschrift in honour of His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins. Thank you to all our benefactors and friends.
Serra House Prepares for its Grand Re-Opening
The renovations and expansion of Serra House, our Seminary’s residence located in the heart of downtown Toronto, are almost complete.
Mr. Lanny Munroe
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mr. Lanny Munroe, long-time employee of St. Augustine’s Seminary who passed away on March 31st, 2022. Lanny worked in maintenance and was very committed to the Seminary.
Cardinal Tagle’s Conference on Eucharist and Priesthood
Through the initiative of Fr. John Elmer Abad, the Academic Dean, and the coordination of Fr. Charles Anang, Director of Spiritual Formation, St. Augustine’s Seminary invited his Eminence Luis Cardinal Tagle, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Peoples, to give a Zoom conference on Eucharist and Priesthood.
Alex D’Silva embraces call to priesthood in late 50s
Deacon Alex D’Silva has made an impression on those surrounding him since beginning his path to the priesthood at St. Augustine’s Seminary. He embraced the call in late 50s. Read his story.
Answering the Call from Within
Transitional Deacon Adam Pantaleo and seminarian Daniel Lee share their journey to the priesthood and discuss the challenges and triumphs of seminary life.
Ordinandi find vocation in stillness and prayer
The unique stories all stressed one message: God has a plan for us, and we need to pay attention to it. However, the listening can be hard. Even if one does hear God’s call, it may be difficult to discern what God is calling one to do. Lukow suggests taking “time in prayer, even just five minutes every day. Sit in a quiet spot and talk to Jesus.”