How a warm welcome changed Father Martin’s life

Gilbert Cesbron once wrote that “every great existence is born of a great chance.”

While studying at the University of Toronto, I was searching for something that could satisfy my ache for meaning. Although I grew up Catholic, my outward religious observance flowed from a sense of duty and a fragile belief in God’s presence.

One day, when walking around campus, I came across a residence called Serra House. I knocked on the door and a joyful young man kindly invited me in. Stepping through those doors changed everything.

“I recognized the voice of God”

I met other young men and they introduced themselves as seminarians. I stayed for a couple of hours, praying with them and listening to their testimonies. Their hospitality left a deep impression.

I came to understand that my heart was not searching for a something, but a Someone, who reached me through this “great chance.” I recognized the voice of the Good Shepherd calling me to the priesthood.

I thank ShareLife for supporting St. Augustine’s Seminary, where young men like myself, after experiencing the love of Christ, are joyfully preparing for ordination to the priesthood.

Photo: Fr. Martin Dicuangco


Coping With Ongoing Challenges Through Faith and Prayer


A Gift from our Ordinandi Class of 2021