Welcome Totus Tuus 2023
Welcome Totus Tuus Toronto to the Seminary and thank you for sharing your photos with us.
Each year the Office of Vocations and the Office of Catholic Youth collaborate to hire 20 young Catholic leaders who are seriously discerning God's calling in their lives. In order to prepare for a full summer of encountering, evangelizing and catechizing, the missionaries undergo extensive training and formation at St. Augustine’s Seminary.
St. Augustine’s Seminary Faculty Retreat 2023
The faculty of St. Augustine’s Seminary recently enjoyed time together in fellowship and prayer during a faculty retreat. The retreat is part of the seminary’s faculty development plan.
“Trans-Disciplinary Dialogue”: Pope Francis and St. John Henry on the Mystery of the Human Person
Reflection on St. John Henry Newman’s view of the manifold aspects of the mystery of the human person by Dr. Donald Graham.
June is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Read the new letter from Archbishop Leo on the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We also invite you to watch our online Novena Retreat honouring the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the month of June.
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies
The Canadian Society of Patristic Studies (CSPS) promotes and contributes to the academic study of the Church Fathers in Canada. This year, the annual meeting of CSPS was held under the auspices of Congress at York University from May 28-30, 2023.
At this meeting, our Academic Dean, Fr. John Abad, was elected Vice President of the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies. Congratulations Fr. John!
Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation
The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation met from May 16-18, 2023 at St. Augustine’s Seminary of Toronto. The 101st meeting was hosted by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Priestly Ordinations 2023
Most Reverend Francis Leo, Archbishop of Toronto, ordained seven transitional deacons with the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Watch the Ordination to the Priesthood livestream for the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Alumnus Spotlight: Fr. Lester John Thomas Costello
Fr. Lester John Thomas Costello (Feb. 16, 1928 – Dec. 10, 2002) was a Canadian ice hockey player, St. Augustine’s Seminary Alumnus and Catholic priest.
Watch these videos to learn more about his life.
Attending Christ means tending to our humanity
Join Dr. Marrocco on June 3rd at St. Augustine’s Seminary for our Lay Spiritual Formation talk.
Prayer for Vocations
World Day of Prayer will be observed on April 30. The purpose of this day is to publicly fulfill the Lord's instruction: "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Let us all join in prayer for vocations to the priesthood, religious or consecrated life.
2023 Chrism Mass
Holding the faithful in our prayers as we celebrate this year's Chrism Mass at St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica.
Annual Hockey Game with SWC
On Friday, St. Augustine's Seminary placed a victory at 9-3 against Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College students at our annual hockey tournament.
We Welcome the New Archbishop of Toronto
St. Augustine's Seminary welcomes the new Archbishop of Toronto and the Chancellor of St. Augustine's Seminary: His Grace The Most Reverend Francis Leo. We give thanks to God and pray for our new shepherd!
Msgr. John Edward Ronan’s Tenebrae
As we enter Holy Week, we remember this online presentation of Msgr. J.E. Ronan’s Tenebrae, a Church service that commemorates the sufferings and death of Christ. Msgr. Ronan was also the Director of Music at St. Augustine’s Seminary 1923-1956.
The Importance of Sacred Music
In this article, we explore Sacred and Liturgical Music at the Seminary and the important role that music plays in our community worship and the formation of our future Priests.
How Parish Internship Changed Seminarian Jeremy Zou’s Life
Learn about Seminarian Jeremy Zou’s parish internship experience.
2023 Ordinandi Dinner
The annual Ordinandi Dinner is a unique opportunity to support and encourage the Ordinandi at St. Augustine’s Seminary and Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary, who with God’s grace, will be ordained to the priesthood this coming Spring.
How Does a Priest or Deacon Preach to Diverse Congregations?
St. Augustine's Seminary continues its series of conferences, seminars, and workshops on Catholic preaching with a Conference on Engaging Diverse Congregations on June 8 & 9, 2023. Our notable preachers will share insights and approaches for preaching to: young adults, the unchurched, mixed congregations, the sick and dying and in social media. Registration is now open.
Winter 2023 In Deum Magazine
It is our pleasure to share with you our Winter 2023 In Deum. In this issue, we explore Sacred & Liturgical Music at the Seminary, the important role music plays in our community worship and the formation of our future Priests. A digital download is available on our website.
Please assist us in spreading the word by sharing this news with your friends and family.
We thank you sincerely for your continued prayers for our Seminarians and our mission. Know that we continue to pray for you and your intentions.
Pope Francis Appoints Bishop Frank Leo as Archbishop of Toronto
During this time of transition in the archdiocese, we give thanks for Cardinal Collins and his service to the Church and welcome Archbishop-designate Leo, who will be joining the community very soon. Please continue to keep these shepherds close in prayer in the days ahead.