Welcome Totus Tuus 2023

Welcome Totus Tuus Toronto to the Seminary and thank you for sharing your photos with us.

Each year the Office of Vocations and the Office of Catholic Youth collaborate to hire young Catholic leaders who are seriously discerning God's calling in their lives. To prepare for a full summer of encountering, evangelizing and catechizing, the missionaries undergo extensive training and formation at St. Augustine’s Seminary.

Totus Tuus missionaries start the summer with a walking pilgrimage to Martyrs’ Shrine in Midland. This year, our Seminarian Michael Berlin-Riga is a Totus Tuus missionary. Please read his personal reflection about the walking pilgrimage on the Archdiocese of Toronto website: https://www.archtoronto.org/en/outreach/archdiocesan-blog/archdiocesan/from-the-gta-to-martyrs-shrine-a-pilgrims-journey.

After weeks of training and formation, these leaders are sent out to serve as missionaries in parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto in July and August. To find out more about Totus Tuus, visit https://www.totustuustoronto.ca.

Our seminarians are serving as missionaries in parishes throughout
the Archdiocese of Toronto in July and August.


A Gift from the Ordinandi Class of 2023


St. Augustine’s Seminary Faculty Retreat 2023