Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies

Since 1975, the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies (CSPS) has promoted and contributed to the academic study of the Church Fathers in Canada. The annual meeting of CSPS was held under the auspices of Congress at York University from May 28-30, 2023.

Three Patristic scholars from St. Augustine’s Seminary attended the conference: Fr. Hubertus Drobner, Fr. John Elmer Abad, and Dr. Ky Heinze. The latter two presented papers: Fr John Elmer Abad: Bonum agonem subituri estis (Mart 3.3) some psychagogic techniques in Tertullian's apologetic writings; and Dr Ky Heinze: Origen of Alexandria's use of the devil in defence of God. Fr. John also moderated a panel on Trauma and Therapeia in Early Christian Literature.

The Programme Coordinators, Maria Dasios and Robert Edwards, and Local Area Coordinator, John Abad, put in many hours of thoughtful and detailed work. We'd like to thank all organizers, presenters, moderators, and attendees who participated in the event with wonderful papers and great discussions.

At this meeting, our Academic Dean, Fr. John Abad, was elected Vice President of the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies. Congratulations Fr. John!

St. Augustine’s Seminary offers a Licentiate in Theology and Patristic Studies beginning September 2023. The application deadline is July 30, 2023.

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Left: Fr. John Abad, His Grace Archbishop Francis Leo and Fr. Hubertus Drobner discussing the Licentiate in Theology and Patristic Studies (S.T.L.).
Right: Fr. John Abad, Frank Kelly and Theresa Kelly behind the scenes at the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies event. Special thanks to Frank and Theresa for taking charge of the technical side of the meeting and supporting our virtual participants and presenters from various countries.


June is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus


Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation