The Spiritual Life of the Deacon

The deacon, pulled in different directions, finds discernment of what to do next when rooted first of all in the interior life. His lifelong vocation rests upon taking care of the inner room discerning a daily vocation. But how does a deacon make that daily discernment? In his presentation above, Deacon Peter Lovrick, Associate Professor of Homiletics, Director of the Diaconate Formation Program, discusses insights and methods from the Church Fathers, Saints, and spiritual writers in the Catholic Christian tradition for interior discernment.

Learn more from our follow-up interview with Deacon Peter Lovrick:

What did you gain from presenting and actively participating in the November 2021 deacon conference?
I appreciated that the conference from Virtual Catholic Conference on the Diaconate focused on the inner life of the deacon instead of immediately going to all the things that a deacon does. What a deacon does must be informed by what a deacon is. That means the primary emphasis was rightly placed in this first conference on the person of the deacon as formed by prayer and spiritual practice.

What are the key takeaways from your presentation?
My presentation showed that of the four pillars of diaconate formation (spiritual, academic, human, and pastoral), spiritual formation is foundational to all the rest. It presented insights and methods from the Church Fathers, Saints, and spiritual writers in the Catholic Christian tradition for an interior discernment. These included: Fr Lorenzo Scupoli, Mother Yvonne Aimee de Jesus, Don Dolindo Ruotolo, and spiritual classics like The Way of a Pilgrim, The Spiritual Combat, and the writings of Church Fathers.

What other continuing education seminars do you recommend?
St Augustine's Seminary is pleased to announce the next Better Catholic Preaching Seminar, Preaching in a Secular Age, as part of our continuing series of conferences, seminars, and workshops. Fr Thomas Scirghi SJ from Fordham University, New York, has taught homiletics around the world. This wonderful event on June 17, 2022, offers you both in-person (at St Augustine's Seminary) and virtual attendance options. In-person attendees will receive a free copy of Fr Scirghi's book on homiletics, Longing to See Your Face: Preaching in a Secular Age. You can take advantage of a special Early Bird Discount. Check out our website for the schedule, details, and links to register either for in-person OR virtual tickets.


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