Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
The core curriculum of this program is designed to give a sound theological education in preparation for ministry, incorporating pastoral formation that is achieved chiefly through Field Education.
Overall Goal: The Master of Divinity program at St. Augustine’s Seminary prepares candidates for ordained priesthood and lay women and men aspiring to ministry in the Catholic Church.
Program Outcomes
Religious Heritage: Students should demonstrate a sound knowledge of Sacred Scripture and the Church’s rich theological tradition and its historical development to the present time
Personal-Spiritual Formation: Students integrate this knowledge into a personal response of faithful love for Jesus Christ, which is expressed in their loving service to his Church and all people.
Cultural Context: Students reflect upon the needs of God’s people by discerning “the signs of the times,” including the Church's call to Christian unity, in order to deepen their lived faith response.
Capacity for Ministerial and Public Leadership: Students should demonstrate that they can respond to the call to a living encounter with Christ, especially in the liturgy and prayer. Candidates show capacity to serve and lead others to an encounter with Christ in his Word and in the sacraments of his Church. In so doing, their witness calls their brothers and sisters to respond to God's love for them.
Admission Requirements
Bachelor's degree, preferably a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), or its equivalent with adequate standing (normally at least B- standing in their final year) from an accredited institution.
The Seminary requires this academic preparation in view of the demand of the Second Vatican Council that candidates be suitably grounded in the humanities. With respect to this, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishop (C.C.C.B.) expressed the view that "we do not think that this requirement can be fully met by one who does not hold a university degree or its equivalent" (Program of Priestly Formation, Ottawa, C.C.C.B., 1979, n.36). In accord with the Bishops, St. Augustine's makes this degree a pre-requisite to theological studies. Students with a non-humanities degree such as a Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor of Engineering may not have sufficient preparation in the humanities and may be required to take appropriate additional courses. Such cases will be judged on an individual basis.
Philosophy Requirement: 10 one-semester courses
The Academic Dean and Registrar are available to provide guidance for students who are attempting to meet the philosophy requirement while attending another institution. The institution’s name, course designator, faculty or department offering the course and complete course description may be forwarded to the Registrar for consultation.
For admission to studies there is a requirement of a minimum of ten one-semester courses in Philosophy. These courses shall be: Ancient Philosophy, Logic and the Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Nature and Natural Theology, Modern Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Medieval/Scholastic Philosophy, Metaphysics, Epistemology/Philosophy of Knowledge, and Moral and Political Philosophy, without exception. The minimal acceptable grade for philosophy courses that are to be counted towards the above philosophy requirement is normally a 60% equivalent.
It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with St. Augustine's Seminary philosophy requirements and to ensure that all forms are forwarded to the Registrar to maintain the completeness of their academic file. It is preferable that students take Ecclesiastical Latin alongside philosophy.
Those lacking four or fewer courses of the completed Philosophy requirements may simultaneously take courses in this area early in their theological studies. The Admissions Committee normally requires that a full load of theological courses be postponed until the philosophical requirements have been met.
English language proficiency.
As a requirement of our pre-theology program, all seminarian STB/Miv. program applicants will be tested for proficiency with the English language. This includes seminarians preparing for diocesan ministry, seminarians seeking admission to the Redemptorist Mater Missionary Seminary, and members of other religious orders. Students will be tested using two assessment tools: Survey of English Grammar and an Essay Writing Evaluation. A passing grade of 62% is required for the Survey of English Grammar and a pass for the Essay Writing Evaluation. Both tests take place in-person, the first week of September. Candidates will be notified if their grades indicate that they will be participating in the English Seminar for two terms at no extra cost. Our students do not have access to the University of Toronto’s student success services, including their writing centre; therefore, the seminary is providing this service to all eligible students. The course gives our students an opportunity to improve their writing and communication skills.
For the other SAS degrees, SAS follows the TST requirement for international students who have not completed a previous degree in English:
“All applicants are expected to have developed to a satisfactory degree the ability to understand spoken and written English and to be able to communicate effectively in this language. If there is any doubt concerning an incoming student’s competence in English, his/her facility will be tested in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing prior to admission.”
Details of testing requirements are listed in the Toronto School of Theology Basic Degree Handbook, section 5.4 English Language Facility, including more detail regarding testing for students who are new to Canada and whose mother tongue is not English. Students who are new to Canada are encouraged and helped to seek opportunities to become more familiar with the Canadian cultural context.
Formation Program.
Applicants for the M.Div. degree program ordinarily are sponsored by a Diocese or provide supporting documentation [a letter of recommendation from their bishop or ecclesiastical superior] of participation in a spiritual formation program of a religious congregation or an ecclesial recognized lay movement. All other applicants will be interviewed by the Academic Dean. Please note: Due to link between S.T.B./M.Div. and preparation for ministry, withdrawal from formation does not guarantee continuation in the S.T.B. /M.Div. degree program.
Non-traditional Applicants for the Master of Divinity [M.Div.]
In truly exceptional circumstances an applicant will be considered for admission into M.Div. basic degree program at
St. Augustine’s Seminary of Toronto [SAS] and will be eligible to apply as follows:
No formal post-secondary studies;
Formal Post-secondary studies, diploma or one year of university;
At least 10 University courses or half of the required credits for a first-entry undergraduate degree;
Please note: the limit for admitting students in this category to the M.Div. is set by our accrediting body, the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada [A.T.S.]. As a result, the non-traditional applicant category is just as competitive as the general applicant category.
Philosophy Prerequisites - Alternative Completion Options
For students who have not met the minimum philosophy requirements, the following options are available:
St. Augustine’s Seminary Ecclesiastical Faculty Program
Apply to the Ecclesiastical Faculty of Theology Diploma in Philosophy program. This program can be completed through in-person or online modality.Through coursework at other institutions
Students should consult with the St. Augustine's Seminary Registrar to ensure course selections meets requirements.Customized Program
For candidates in the Priestly Formation Program who have completed some philosophy credits, the Academic Administration can design a tailored program to complete the remaining requirements.
Students in the categories noted above need to consult the Academic Dean about the fulfillment of their philosophy requirements.
It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with St. Augustine's Seminary philosophy requirements and to ensure that all forms are forwarded to the Registrar to maintain the completeness of their academic file. It is preferable that students take Ecclesiastical Latin alongside philosophy.
M.Div. Core Curriculum
There are thirty required courses including the Integration of Theological Areas. In addition to the thirty courses, the pastoral formation incorporates a course in field education for one semester.
A. Nine Systematic Theology Courses
· Fundamental Theology
· Theological Anthropology
· Trinity
· Sacramental Theology and the Sacraments of Initiation
· Christology and Soteriology
· Ecclesiology
· The Sacraments of Healing, Marriage and Holy Orders
· Eucharist and Holy Orders
· Summative Exercise: Comprehensive Exam
B. Five Moral Theology (Ethics) Courses
· Fundamental Christian Ethics I
· Fundamental Christian Ethics II
· Ethics of Human Sexuality & Marriage
· Medical Ethics
· Social Ethics
C. Seven Scripture Courses
1. Old Testament
· Pentateuch and Historical Books
· Prophetic Literature
· Wisdom and Psalms Literature
2. New Testament
· Introduction to the New Testament
· Pauline Literature
· Synoptic Gospels and Acts
· Johannine Literature
D. Four History Courses
· First One Thousand Years Church History
· Patristics
· Middle Ages and Reformation Era
· Modern Church
E. Five Pastoral Courses
· Introduction to Canon Law
· Introduction to Homiletics
· Introduction to Liturgy
· Pastoral Counselling
· Pastoral Psychology
Plus Field Education
Honours Master of Divinity
Students, with a minimum standing average of A, would be eligible to write a thesis after twenty courses, usually after the end of the second year of their Master of Divinity program. For details of the thesis program, please contact the Registrar.
Hybrid Master of Divinity
This program, offered by all TST colleges, prepares persons for ordained ministry and for responsibilities of general pastoral and religious leadership in congregations and other settings. The minimum requirement for this degree is thirty (30) courses or equivalent units (15 credits), over a three-year period. Students may take a longer time to complete this program, but it is educationally appropriate for the program to be completed within eight calendar years. Colleges may stipulate individual course requirements or a minimum quota of courses from any of the program areas (biblical, historical, pastoral, and theological studies), and may require additional courses. Colleges may also require prerequisites, co-requisites, period of residency and competency for ministry work outside of the degree program itself. Individual colleges evaluate a student’s readiness for ministry according to requirements, conditions, and norms prescribed by the college itself.
Please contact the Registrar for further details.