Sanctuary Candle Mass Offering


One of the Church's earliest traditions is to burn candles to offer prayers to God. The Sanctuary Candles are the red candles beside the Tabernacle in the Chapel (please see photo).

For a donation of $35, you can have one candle burn for a week in memory of a deceased loved one or for a special intention. Note: one mass will be offered for your intention. They are available weekly starting on a Sunday. A tax receipt will not be issued.

If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Austen at

Sanctuary Candle Offer

One of the Church's earliest traditions is to burn candles to offer prayers to God. The Sanctuary Candles are the red candles beside the Tabernacle in the Chapel (please see photo).

For a donation of $35, you can have one candle burn for a week in memory of a deceased loved one or for a special intention. Note: one mass will be offered for your intention. They are available weekly starting on a Sunday. A tax receipt will not be issued.

If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Austen at

One of the Church's earliest traditions is to burn candles to offer prayers to God. The Sanctuary Candles are the red candles beside the Tabernacle in the Chapel (please see photo).

For a donation of $35, you can have one candle burn for a week in memory of a deceased loved one or for a special intention. Note: one mass will be offered for your intention. They are available weekly starting on a Sunday. A tax receipt will not be issued.

If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Austen at

Please mail cheques to:

St. Augustine's Seminary of Toronto
2661 Kingston Road,
Scarborough, Ontario, M1M 1M3
Attention: Serra House Sanctuary Candle Donation

The sanctuary candle is lit as signifying and honouring the presence of Christ in the Tabernacle. The red Sanctuary Lamp, in particular, is kept alight to indicate and honour Christ's true presence in the Tabernacle. General Instruction of the Roman Missal, No. 316, states: "In accordance with traditional custom, near the tabernacle, a special lamp, fueled by oil or wax, should be kept alight to indicate and honour the presence of Christ.”