Reflections from the Diaconate Formation Silent Retreat at St. Augustine's Seminary

In the serene grounds of St. Augustine's Seminary, a meaningful tradition comes to life each year as the diaconate formation candidates gather for their annual silent retreat. This cherished event provides a valuable opportunity for deep introspection and understanding of the role they are preparing to embrace. Rooted in the etymology of the word "deacon," these candidates discover the essence of being a true servant of God.

The word "deacon" finds its origins in the ancient Greek term "diákonos," signifying a servant, a waiting man, a minister, or a messenger. Embracing this linguistic heritage, the candidates recognized the fundamental nature of their vocation—to be humble servants of God and His people.

This year's retreat was led by Deacon Peter Lovrick, whose qualifications and expertise testify to his dedication to the faith. Deacon Lovrick's rich educational background, including a Doctorate in Ministry from Aquinas Institute of Theology (St. Louis University), a Master's degree from the University of Toronto, and a Bachelor's degree from McMaster University, attests to his commitment to the intellectual and spiritual growth of those under his guidance.

The central theme of the retreat, "Living our lives in the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and trusting in His Merciful Goodness," resonated deeply with the candidates. The reminder that the role of a deacon is firmly grounded in the teachings and grace of Christ imparts a sense of purpose and direction in their journey of faith.

“This was a blessed, faithful weekend steeped in the blessings of Mass, Adoration, Reconciliation and silent prayer,” Deacon David Quail, Director, Diaconate Formation, St. Augustine Seminary.


“I had a wonderful silent retreat led by Deacon Lovrick for deacons in formation. His suggestions for practical spirituality were so accessible and impactful. The grounds and chapel provide lots of opportunities for quiet, prayerful reflection. This site is a calm oasis and respite from the usual hectic life.” - Kavita F.

“St. Augustine’s Seminary is a wonderful location for a retreat. An aspirational oasis with an inspiring and beautiful chapel. The Seminary really lets you hear God’s voice. The rich grounds are perfect for walking, reflecting and praying. Fr. Edwin and the other priests provide a warm, hospitable welcome as well as sage advice and spiritual direction. God’s love is present here in a powerful way.” - David Fischer


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