The Transformative Experience of an Alumna’s Studies

As a recent alumna, Michelle Brylowski found out that studying at St. Augustine's Institute of Theology is much more than an advanced education; it is a transformative experience in deepening one's faith.

"The educational experience at St. Augustine's was exceptional, and the Seminary is a wonderful environment in which one can deepen their spiritual life and grow in love for Christ and the Church;' says Brylowski, who completed her Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) last year.

She completed her M.T.S. part-time while continuing to work full-time as a Lay Pastoral Associate at a parish in Mississauga before she joined the Archdiocesan office upon graduation.

"The M.T.S. program was thrilling;' she continues. "One of the greatest joys during the program was working on my thesis - and having Dr. (Josephine) Lombardi as my supervisor:' Dr. Lombardi is the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology at St. Augustine's.

"There were many awesome moments during my time at St. Augustine's, but the ones that were most memorable were those that were accompanied by some kind of lesson in human and spiritual formation.”

She recalls one such moment on her first day in September 2019.

"It was early on a Saturday morning when I entered the library for my first class and sat down at the long, rectangular table, slightly nervous and thinking that I may be in over my head. I was feeling rather alone when the woman sitting next to me introduced herself. We hit it off like a house on fire, and it was like we were best friends who had picked up where we had left off. Lesson one: God places people in our lives for a reason; we are relational beings and we need one another for the journey:”

When asked for advice from others considering further education at St. Augustine's Institute of Theology, she has three suggestions:

  1. “Be open to the Holy Spirit working in you:' she says. "God delights in using us to make his plans unfold, and when we open ourselves to God, when we make ourselves available for his purposes, it will be absolutely incredible for us and the world. We have no idea how our lives will change - for the better - when we remain open to the Holy Spirit.”

  2. “Pray. You can't possibly do what God wants you to do if you don't develop a strong, healthy, loving relationship with Him and with our Blessed Mother.”

  3. “A practical note: Be attentive and active. There is a lot of reading, writing, information, procedures, email, and deadlines that you have to be aware of if you want to do well; that's just the nature of a graduate program. Take it seriously and do the best you can, and it will pay off.”

Why Study at St. Augustine’s Seminary?

Whether you are involved in parish ministry, Catholic education, any of the wide range of Catholic charities and social services, or just drawn to dive more deeply into your faith, St. Augustine’s Seminary has something for you. From day-long workshops to certificates, diplomas and full master’s degrees in theology, the St. Augustine’s Seminary Institute of Theology offers a wide range of programs and flexible course formats. Many of our students value the opportunity to learn alongside our future priests and other lay Catholics who often work in similar ministries (e.g. fellow Catholic teachers, parish ministers, etc.). The friendships that emerge here promote the kind of authentic collaboration that our Church needs today.

Academic Application Deadlines

  • Summer Session Start First Semester: March 30th

  • Summer Session Start Second Semester: May 30th


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