The Unsung Heroes of St. Augustine’s Seminary

The Lord’s work is often accomplished by unsung heroes. That is certainly the case at St. Augustine’s Seminary. Much of what we do in forming disciples would not be possible if it was not for the quiet and often anonymous support of our generous supporters, whom we lovingly refer to as Friends of St. Augustine’s Seminary.

Late last fall, we invited many of our benefactors to a special event at the Seminary to celebrate and honour the important contributions that they make.

“Through your kindness, you enable us to continue to respond to our Lord's invitation to train the priests, deacons, and lay ministers who will bring His message of love, hope, and forgiveness to our families, our parishes, and future generations,” St. Augustine’s President Msgr. Robert Nusca told the gathering. “Your support enables us to continue our commitment to the pursuit of excellence in education and formation. It helps us with faculty recruitment, enhancement, and ongoing training. It also provides valuable assistance for the maintenance of the facilities and our library.”

"From the moment of the Procession with the Bishop (in the Seminary Chapel), I immediately felt a deeper appreciation for the priesthood presented in all stages and forms at this event,” said supporter Denise Lobo, who pledged to not only increase their material support, but also “be more faithful to include all seminarians and priests in my regular daily prayers.”


Convocation 2022


Faculty Spotlight: Imbuing Students With a Love of Church History