Location: This event will be held ONLINE via Zoom.
Cost: $25 plus HST
9:30 am Welcome and Introductions
9:40 am First Conference
10:45-11:00 am Second Conference begins
12:00-12:15 Final Conference
Discussion/Q&A/wrap up
1:00 pm End
If you would like to join our mailing list, please send an email to lay.formation@staugustines.on.ca.
Please note: The recommended age of all attendees is 15 and over.
Our Presenter: Dr. Josephine Lombardi, Associate Professor, Systematic and Pastoral Theology, Director of Lay Formation
With all the new restrictions and changes, we need God's grace and the comfort of family and friends to accompany us. One way to stay connected with others is by attending our next workshop to learn more about Our Lady and how she intercedes on our behalf, accompanying us on our faith journey with prayers and love. If you are interested in learning more about Mary’s role in salvation history, including the Church’s belief regarding Mary, please join us for this workshop. Dr. Lombardi will be focusing on biblical accounts, Marian dogma, and new developments in the area of Mariology. Please visit this blog page to learn more about the day’s content – tap to get there. This workshop is timely since Pope Francis is encouraging us to place ourselves under the protection of Mary. This is his recommendation for 2022.
How can participants grow closer to Mother Mary in their daily lives? Read Dr. Lombardi’s blog post on the Archdiocese of Toronto website titled “A Closer Look at Mother Mary.”