Rev. Frederick Yonho Chung

Reverend Frederick Yonho Chung

Associate Professor of Biblical Theology (Old Testament), Director of Propaedeutic Formation/Spiritual Year


B.Sc. University of Toronto: double major in Psychology, and Christianity and Culture, 1992.
S.T.B./M.Div. St. Augustine’s Seminary, 2001
S.T.L. Pontifical Gregorian University, 2009
S.Th.D. Pontifical Gregorian University, 2012


Biblical theology of the Old Testament; Psalms; Pentateuch; Prophetic Literature; Wisdom Literature; Biblical Hebrew


Fr. Fred Chung was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Toronto in 2001. During his undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto, he majored in Psychology and became interested in the Christianity and Culture program at St. Michael’s College. After four years of parish ministry as an associate pastor of St. Gregory the Great in Oshawa and St. Jerome’s Parish in Brampton, he went to further studies and completed his licentiate and doctoral studies in biblical theology at the Gregorian University in Rome, specializing in the Psalms.

He has been a member of the academic and formation faculty of St. Augustine’s Seminary since 2012, serving as the Director of Formation at Serra House, and then as the Director of Propaedeutic Formation. Fr. Fred teaches courses on Scripture, including the Psalms, Prophetic Literature, and Introduction to the Old Testament (Pentateuch and Historical Books). He has also contributed to the Permanent Diaconate Formation, including their Continuing Education program. Apart from his seminary-based work, Fr. Fred has given numerous biblical workshops and retreats for adults and youth across the Archdiocese of Toronto, as well as preaching and offering sacramental service at various parishes.


Publications and Theses

  • “ ‘O Lord, you have searched me and known me’: A Poetic and Spiritual Reflection on Psalm 139.” For Love of the Church: A Festschrift on the Interests and Accomplishments of His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins (2021)

  • “Praising in God’s Temple, Rejoicing in God’s Creation: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Psalm 65” (2012)

  • “Why Are the Nations Against the Lord and his Messiah? An Exegetical Study of Psalm 2” (2009)

 Workshops and Retreats

  • “Creation Shouting for Joy: Psalm 65 and Creation Theology,” Colloquium for the Society of Faith and Culture, Seoul, South Korea (2024)

  • “Meditations on the Psalms: Venite Exultemus Domino” (2024)

  • “ ‘For I Know My Redeemer Lives’: Book of Job” (2023)

  • “Woman of Valour, Woman of Strength: Spiritual and Life Lessons from the Women of the Bible” (2022)

  • “ ‘And Yet God Has Placed Eternity in the Human Heart’: Qoheleth’s Search for Meaning in the Canonical Context of Scripture” (2021)

  • “The Soul’s Search for Joy and Meaning: Answering to Qoheleth’s Questions with the Psalms and the Good News of Christ” (2021)

  • “The Holy Spirit and the River of Living Waters: A Reflection on the Spirit as the Giver of New Life,” “Come, Holy Spirit” Pentecost Novena (2020)

  • “ ‘Sweet Saviour, Haste…!’: An Advent Reflection on Jesus, the ‘Joy of Man’s Desiring’ ” (2019)

  • “Exodus,” Exodus Seminar (2019)

  • “Messiah in the Psalms: King, Priest, and Prophet,” Association of Hebrew Catholics (2016)

  • “ ‘For His Mercy Endures Forever’: Divine Mercy in the Old Testament” (2016)

  • “Genesis: From Creation to the Patriarchs of Israel,” Genesis Seminar (2014)

  • “Faith and Science: It Takes Two Wings to Soar” (2014)

  • “ ‘Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs’: Isaiah and the Servant Songs” (2014)

  • “What is Happening in Scripture Study Now?”, Archdiocese of Toronto Annual Priests’ Seminar (2012)