Rev. Hubertus R. Drobner


Adjunct Professor, Pontifical Faculty of Theology


Studies in Classics, Theology/Patristics, Christian Archaelogy and adjacent fields at the Universities of Mainz, Oxford, Leicester, the Patristic Institute “Augustinianum” and the Pontifical Institute for Christian Archaeology in Rome. Since 1986 professor for Ecclesiastical History and Patristics in the Faculty of Theology in Paderborn, Germany.


Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine of Hippo, Christology and Preaching in the Early Church


Fr. Hubertus R. Drobner is a priest of the diocese of Mainz, Germany, ordained in 1982. 1984-1986 he served as assistant parish priest in the diocese of Mainz. Since 1986 he has been teaching as Professor for Church History and Patristics at the Faculty of Theology in Paderborn, Germany, since 1988 as guest professor at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Navarra, 1992-2017 as guest professor at the Patristic Institute “Augustinianum”. 2001-2011 he served as a counsellor to the Doctrinal Commission of the German Bishops’ Conference. Since 2006 he has been a Canon and Dean of Chapter of the Apostolic Vicar of the archdiocese of Breslau. In 2014 the Australian Catholic University appointed him Honorary Professor. Since 2016 he has been a member of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology.


Selected Publications

The Fathers of the Church. A Comprehensive Introduction. Translated by Siegfried S. Schatzmann with bibliographies updated and expanded for the English edition by William Harmless, SJ, and Hubertus R. Drobner, Peabody/MA: Hendrickson 2007. (Also available in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, and Chinese.)

Gregor von Nyssa. Die drei Tage zwischen Tod und Auferstehung unseres Herrn Jesus Christus. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und kommentiert, Leiden: Brill 1982.

Person-Exegese und Christologie bei Augustinus. Zur Herkunft der Formel una persona, Leiden: Brill 1986.

Archaeologia Patristica. Die Schriften der Kirchenväter als Quellen der Archäo¬lo¬gie und Kulturgeschichte: Gregor von Nyssa, Homiliae in Ecclesiasten, Vatican City: Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana 1996.

Augustinus von Hippo: Sermones ad populum. Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen, 12 vols, Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang 2000-2016.

Gregorii Nysseni In Hexaemeron. Opera exegetica in Genesim, Pars I (= Gregorii Nysseni Opera IV/I), Leiden: Brill 2009.

Quo vadis, Bologna? The Challenges to Catholic Higher Education in Germany, Hamburg: Kovač 2013.

Die Chronologie der Predigten Augustins. Eine neue Methodologie, 2 vols, Leiden-Paderborn: Brill-Schoeningh 2023.