Priestly Formation: Petitions

By Deacon Daniel Corso at St. Augustine’s Seminary

As we, the Deacon Class of 2022, write the final petition of our seminary formation, the words of the petition remind us of profound aspects of our vocation: first, that the priesthood is God's gift to each of us, and second, that we for our part commit our whole lives to Him and His Church.

The 'Petition for the Sacred Order of Presbyter' uses 'receive' or 'reception' about the priesthood eight times. This is significant because too often, I tend to see the priesthood as something I have to achieve, be worthy of, or somehow earn- as though if I can be holy enough and tick off enough of the boxes, God will notice that I deserve to be a priest. The words of the petition remind me that the priesthood is God's dream for me and that for reasons that aren't clear to me, He has chosen me for this. It is truly the greatest gift one could receive this side of heaven. I can do nothing to deserve it- all I can do is receive it with great joy.

The words of the petition also make it clear that to receive the gift of the priesthood concerns neither a set time, nor certain aspects of myself, but is rather a commitment of my entire self, all that I am and have, for all the days of my life (and beyond!). While this is certainly daunting, there is something truly epic about giving oneself so totally - not just to some cause, not simply to any person, but to God and His Church, for the salvation of souls. It's hard to think of anything greater! These words remind us of the gravity and the greatness of our call.

Please keep us, the Deacon Class of 2022, in your prayers as we prepare to receive this gift and give ourselves in this way.


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