Mass for the Installation of Lector 2024

The institution into the Ministry of Lector is a formal step in a seminarian’s formation in preparation for ordination. In this ministry, the candidate is called to read and meditate on Sacred Scripture in order to proclaim the Word of God in the liturgical assembly. Men should acquire greater love and knowledge of God’s Word and reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ in his own life.

On Wednesday, November 27th, the Most Rev. John. A. Boissonneau, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, celebrated the Mass in the Chapel of St. Augustine’s Seminary.

The following seminarians were installed in the Ministry of Lector:

Archdiocese of Toronto
Moonjun Alphonse Choi 
Matthew Steven Tuanquin Tulio
Victor Manuel Valdés

Diocese of Peterborough
Andrew Martin Roelands

As these men move forward in their formation towards Holy Orders, we pray that they may receive the truth of the Gospel wholeheartedly and proclaim the good news to God’s people.


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