The first in a series of Patristic Talks for the 2023-2024 Academic Year

On October 17, 2023, Rev. Brendan Lupton spoke about St. Gregory the Great in his talk entitled, “Gregory the Great: Why is he Great?”

A diverse group of 65 participants, including seminarians, professors, and students from the University of Toronto, attended the hybrid lecture. Rev. Lupton is President of the Pontifical Faculty of Theology, and Associate Professor in the Department of Dogmatic Theology and Patristics at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, Illinois.

He is a Member of the North American Patristic Society and the Academy of Catholic Theology.

Please join us for our upcoming talks in the Divina Eloquia series (


Visit to St. John Paul the Great Family Centre - ShareLife's Supported Agency


Celebrating the Month of the Rosary