Preaching Conference at St. Augustine’s Seminary

The 2018 Preaching Conference featured His Excellency Bishop Robert Barron, founder of Word on Fire Ministries and host of the award-winning PBS series Catholicism, as the keynote speaker. The other presenters were His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Fr. Peter Cameron O.P. and Fr. Jude Siciliano O.P. The conference was widely attended by deacons, diaconate candidates, seminarians, priests, bishops and some laity.

"It was an absolutely beautiful event, said Deacon Peter Lovrick, professor of homiletics at the Seminary, who coordinated the conference. "Despite the logistical problems related to construction, it is a testament to all at the Seminary that we were able to host an event of this size and stature and have it go so smoothly."

Each of the presenters approached the subject of preaching from a different perspective. Fr. Cameron spoke of the importance of clear structure, while Fr. Siciliano talked about a close meditative focus on the text before breaking it open. Cardinal Collins stressed the importance for preachers to spend adequate time to fully prepare their homilies.

In his keynote, Bishop Barron emphasized the importance of spending time in prayer - a point that resonated with St. Augustine's Seminarian Josh Lobo.

"Bishop Barron gave a great example that really struck me," said Lobo. "Paraphrasing, he said, 'a preacher must allow himself to be seized by the Holy Spirit like a trumpet is seized and played by a musician to create beautiful music. This deep relationship with the Holy Spirit comes through prayer. To be a better preacher, therefore, we must become better pray-ers? I really took that to heart." Morning and evening prayer and daily mass were also held over the two days. In addition, St. Augustine's wonderful kitchen staff put on a gala dinner. There were musical performances from the Ho Deng Musical Ensemble; world-class organist William O'Meara; and baritone Matthew Snowdon, accompanied by Paul Jenkins.

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