Most Rev. Ivan Camilleri
Sessional Lecturer
B. Comm., Laurentian University, 1991
M.B.A., The Edinburgh Business School,1993
S.T.B./M.Div., St. Augustine’s Seminary, 2007
J.C.L., The Catholic University of America, 2011
History and sources of Canon Law
Sacramental law
Penal law
Law of temporal goods applied to diocesan administration.
Bishop Ivan Camilleri was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Toronto in 2007. After completing a Licentiate in Canon Law he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Spiritual Affairs in 2011, then Chancellor of Spiritual Affairs in 2012, and additionally Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia in 2013. He held those assignments until November 2020, when Pope Francis appointed him Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto. He was ordained to the episcopacy in January 2021, at which time Cardinal Collins assigned to him the pastoral care of the Western Region of the Archdiocese of Toronto, as well as the roles of Vicar for Religious and Liaison for Liturgy. In addition to supporting the seminary as a sessional lecturer, Bishop Camilleri also assists the Regional Metropolitan Tribunal as a Judge.