Donor Testimonials
Thank you for your Support!
Thank you very much for your generosity to St. Augustine’s Seminary. Through your kindness, you enable us to continue to respond to our Lord's invitation to train the priests, deacons, and lay ministers who will bring his message of love, hope, and forgiveness to our families, our parishes, and future generations.
Questions? Please contact the Development Office:
Phone: 416-261-7207 x 358, Email:
“The greatest charitable work that the Church does is the formation of young men in the Seminary. I never understood this until I was a beneficiary at the Seminary for three years and then discerned God’s Vocation for myself. We are truly grateful for the Seminary’s vital role in our pursuit of holiness. “
Dominic Li, a generous monthly donor
“After I saw the concert “Songs from the Seminary”, I asked God what He wants me to do to thank Him for listening to my prayers. Then I received a call from a staff person at the Seminary asking me to contribute a tabernacle stand. I then acted on this right away! God is amazing for sending me to do the right thing at the right time. I have just done a little part and it works well. Praise the Lord! “
Catherine Soong, supported chapel restoration project